Are you looking for a light and airy dessert for warm summer nights? A sweet seduction that is not too filling? I just say - vegan strawberry cheesecake! This vegan version of the classic cheesecake will completely convince not only you but also your guests. The cheesecake is also lactose-free, naturally sweetened and super easy to prepare!
Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius (I actually switched on the air circulation, but my lower heating rod only works sporadically)
Grease the springform pan with coconut oil or other oil.
Mix flour, coconut blossom sugar & melted coconut oil in a bowl & press on the bottom of the springform pan to form a cake base.
Wash strawberries, remove greens & puree finely with soy yoghurt in a mixer.
Add all remaining ingredients & mix the filling well. Pour the filling into the springform pan.*
Cover in the oven (I just put my baking foil over it) and bake for 60 minutes.*
Leave to cool in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours, preferably overnight.
*make sure to stir the filling very well, like that no starch clumps can form. Alternatively, you can dissolve the starch in 2-3 tbsp water and then add to the filling.*please note that depending on your oven, baking time can vary. The cheesecake should be firm on top and not have a runny inside. You can check using a toothpick.